Leihdeih Hou!
I'm afraid there isn't much to report on this week. Sister Luk is still an awesome companion and I'm realizing how much she has grown the past couple months. She is going to be so sail (amazing) in Minnesota! Sister Luk and I have been working really hard trying to have positive attitudes and cheerfully doing the Lord's work. Things are not going as smoothly as they have in the past, but that's okay! We are still trying to figure out what the Lord wants us to learn right now with this trial of faith, but we are getting there. There is always a storm before a rainbow, so we are just going to endure through this and wait to see what rainbows lay ahead of us :)
Thank you for all your prayers for the people we work with. We are slowly making some progress with people. We haven't been able to get in contact with our LA Jessie the past 2-3 months but she finally came back to English class last week! I love Jessie so much and I hope this can be the start of us meeting with her again. Alice is doing okay, but we are still working with her to build her personal desires and testimony. Satan is also throwing stumbling blocks in her way, but I have faith she can overcome them. She is super prepared and I know that one day she will be an amazing member. We just have to wait on the Lord's timing! We were also able to see
I love all of you! I hope you are all finding ways to come closer to Christ and exemplify those Christlike attributes. I have found that becoming like the Savior is the only way we are able to have true happiness and share that happiness with others. He is the ultimate example of faith, charity, patience, humility, etc. Follow in His footsteps. He will never lead you astray.
Scripture of the Week: Alma 7:23 Always give thanks for those blessings your receive.
Quote of the Week: Be grateful for little improvements because great blessing and miracles take time.
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