Sunday, July 24, 2016

Here a Little, There a Little

Leihdieh Hou!

     I hope all of you had a fun and exciting week! Things were pretty normal around here. sister Luk and I are still making miracles happen with giving out a Book of Mormon a day. The Lord truly blesses you for your righteous desires. Our zone has a goal to give away these Books of Mormon and the Lord is helping us accomplish that goal. We may be out finding for an hour and not give away our Book of Mormon until literally the last minute. Or we may need to give out a Book of Mormon while travelling to and from places because we don't have time to go finding and the Lord will put the most unexpected prepared people in our paths. It is truly amazing seeing the Lord's hand in His work and knowing that as long as we are doing His work His way, He is going to bless us!

     Sister Luk is doing an amazing job with training and teaching and finding. I love her so much! She is starting to talk to people more on the streets and in lessons so I am feeling less and less like a trainer and that's a good thing! She is really humble and wants to do well so that's an attribute that will take her far in life. She is giving a training in district meeting this week and she's super nervous about it because she has to give it in English, but I think this will be a really good experience for her. I have complete faith in her though! She doesn't think her English is that great, but I think she is doing amazingly well!

     Our investigator Alice came to Yuen Long 1 ward for the first time yesterday so that was really exciting! Her friend Siu Mihng introduced her to the church and she goes to Yuen Long 2 so Alice has been going with her. The problem is Alice lives in Yuen Long 1 boundaries so she is supposed to come to our ward. She has been nervous to come to Yuen Long 1 because she doesn't know anyone in our ward and she already has friends in Yuen Long 2, but Siu Mihng came with her to Yuen Long 1 and some of the YSA were really welcoming. She says she likes Yuen Long 1 though so that was so good to hear!

     I'm a little nervous for our recent convert A-May who was baptized back in January. She hasn't been to church in 3 weeks and the bishop has asked us to schedule her this week so he can visit her with us. She is in her 30's but her mindset is similar to that of a poh po (grandma). We have taught her all the lessons over and over and we keep encouraging her to come to church, but every time she doesn't come she says it's because she's too tired or doesn't feel well. I really don't want her to be both a recent convert and less active! Hopefully Bishop can help encourage her to come to church and make some more friends. Maybe this will be a turning point for her! :)

     I hope all of you are enjoying your last few days of summer! time just flew by! Not sure when school starts again, but have fun! Love you all!
Scripture of the Week: Doctrine and Covenants 98:10 Line upon line. Precept upon precept. The Lord will try our faith, but just take your challenges one step at a time and he will bless you one step at a time.
Quote of the Week: "...apart from Him, no one can succeed, but as a partner with Him ono one can fail" (Ezra Taft Benson)

Sister Maggie Shiffert

Celebrated 9 months on our missions by eating gaakjaibeng!

All the sisters in our zone/apartment!

When it's this hot outside, all you want to do is eat ice cream!

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Monday, July 18, 2016

Halfway There and Living Off of Prayers!

Leihdeih Hou!

     So this past week was full of craziness, but it was a good kind of crazy :) Planning for zone training was very crazy, but it all came together nicely in the end. Everyone seemed to like it and we made brookoreos (brownie on top and chocolate chip cookie on bottom with an oreo in the middle). Yummy! 

     We always have plans and actions and we have two actions this month. One is to see how many compliments you can give in one day. It doesn't count if you just say "thank you" so you have to say "thank you for..." So I am extending the invitation to all of you! See how many times a day you can compliment people for their efforts! As you do this, you really do feel a greater love and appreciation for those around you and develop your charity towards others. We have only been doing it for a week and I can tell you, it works! 

     The second action is to give out a Book of Mormon a day so by the end of the month, our zone will have given out 280 Books of Mormon. Crazy, right? No! Super doable! I like this Book of Mormon challenge our zone is doing. When we first brought up the idea and everyone said 1 Book of Mormon a day for a total of 280 Books of Mormon in a month, I thought they were crazy. I had doubts in the beginning because I have probably given out only 5 or 6 Books of Mormon the whole time I've been here. They said a book a day was easily achievable and my first thought was "Maybe in other areas but I'm not sure about Yuen Long." Then after I had that thought I asked myself "Where is your faith in your area? Who's to say you can't give out Books of Mormon in Yuen Long?" 

     The overall theme for our trainings was changing our attitude towards the work and this action of giving out 1 Book of Mormon a day has definitely helped me change. I have been trying to keep all doubts out and only having complete faith. I have total faith that the Lord will help us achieve this goal of giving out a Book of Mormon a day. He's going to help our zone give out 280 Books of Mormon this month. We have already been able to give out 11 Books of Mormon last week and we are only going to give out more. The Lord seriously blesses us for our righteous desires. We have been determined to give out a Book of Mormon a day and the Lord has made it happen by some miracles and blessings. We could only have a few minutes to go finding and the Lord puts in our path one of His prepared children. There are going to be some major miracles in the New Territories this month! As Ezra Taft Benson says, we are going to "flood the [New Territories] with the Book of Mormon!"

     I hope all of you have a fantastic week! I love and miss you all!
Quote of the Week: "The great test of life is obedience to God. The great task of life is learn the will of the Lord and then do it..."
Scripture of the Week: "...The great commandment of life is "Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy soul and with all they mind and with all thy strength" (Mark 12:30)" -Ezra Taft Benson

Sister Maggie Shiffert

Time to make brookoreos!

​We were hungry!

Sister training leaders and zone leaders for the New T's! We didn't even plan to match haha! Leadership unity!

We celebrated our 9 months by going to McDonald's (I was outvoted.....) 

Happy 9-months-iversary! :) Halfway there!
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Monday, July 11, 2016

Never Said It Was Going To Be Easy

Leihdeih Hou!

     This week has been super busy! Being sister training leader definitely keeps you busy, especially when the zone leaders and sister training leaders have no idea what they're doing haha! We are in the middle of planning our zone training for tomorrow and I feel like I've learned more by preparing for it than I will by actually presenting it. I'm excited though! We are going to help some miracles happen in the New Territories zone :)

     Because we have been planning so much for zone training, Sister Luk and Sister Viazzo have been going on exchanges a lot. I feel like Sister Viazzo has seen more of my companion than I have! Now I understand how my companions felt when they sent me on exchanges all the time lol! I feel badly that I have had to leave the area in Sister Luk's hands because she hasn't even been here two weeks and is still learning about missionary life. She's doing awesome though! She continues to grow and become a better missionary every day. She's super humble and really obedient, so that makes training her a lot easier!

     This week has been interesting for our area. Recently, all of our investigators and less actives had been making their own little steps of progression. I love seeing how this gospel brings more happiness into people's lives and helps them grow. And then this week, they all took fifty steps back and now we are back at square one. It's so hard to see all these people progress so well, and then go back to their old ways. I love these people SO much and I just want to help them. So I'm a little worried about our area, but I know the Lord has a plan. I don't know what that plan is, but I know this will all be for the better in the end. I feel like there is something I'm missing that will help this area, or the Lord is just testing me to see how much I am willing to learn and grow. Either way, I am just going to keep going and figure out what the Lord's will for this area is and then do it! :)

     I don't have a lot of pictures this week, but you will get more next week! I love all of you! enjoy your last few weeks of summer! Time is seriously flying by!
Scripture of the Week: Isaiah 55:8-9 The Lord's thoughts and ways are far better than our thoughts and ways. Trust in Him.
Quote of the Week: Challenges show the Lord's trust in us (Elder D. Todd Christofferson)

Sister Maggie Shiffert

We had a cheng out with our member Cheng Ji Muih last Monday. We had dim sum which is always really good!

Sister Training Leaders for New Territories! 

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