Sunday, April 9, 2017

A Weekend of Wisdom and Revelation

Leihdeih Hou!

     Things are going pretty good in Cheung Sha Wan! We dropped two baptismal dates (Lucy and Heui Ji Muih) but we were able to replace them with two more from Icy and her daughter Yuki! Icy is doing really good! She came to church again this week but Yuki wanted to sleep. I think Icy wants to be baptized with Yuki so we set the new date for May 28th. I really think Icy could make this date, or even one sooner than that, but Yuki may need some more time. Right now I think she is just following her mom and not doing things out of her own desire yet. We will keep working with her though! We were also able to finally get in touch with Lucy! She said she has been really busy with work lately but we wil try and schedule her tonight. That's good that she didn't get anti-ed!
     I thought general conference this past week was AMAZING as usual. I was especially impressed with some of the talks by the Seventy this time. I think my favorites that really stuck out to me were S. Mark Palmer about love, Mark A. Bragg about light, and then Jeffrey R. Holland about faithfulness.
     I loved when Elder Palmer said, "Elder or Sister, if I didn't love you, I wouldn't care what happens on your mission. But I do love you, and because I love you, I care about who you become. So I invite you to change those things that are hard for you and become who the Lord wants you to be." That really stuck out to me because that is something I need to do more with the people I teach. I love them SO much and I could probably do a better job of expressing my love for them and the Savior's love for them. The way he phrased this sentence made me have the desire to change myself so I hope it will also help my investigators/less actives the desire to change themselves.
     I also loved when "You cannot speak of the light IN the world without speaking of the Light OF the World, Jesus Christ." There are a lot of doctrinal things I know, but sometimes it takes another person to put things together for me lol! Of course you can't talk about the light without talking about the Savior, but I just never thought of it that way. A little lightbulb went off in my head after I heard that haha.
     Elder Bednar is my favorite apotsle but I think Elder Holland's talk was my favorite. Singing and choir has been a huge part of my life so this talk made complete sense to me and I absolutely loved it! My favorite quote was "'Come as you are,' a loving Father says to each of us, but He adds, 'Don't plan to stay as you are.'" That basically summarizes a missionary's life. The Lord doesn't care what strengths/weaknesses we have or what our circumstances are. He was all of us to join His choir of missionaries and help other come unto Christ. He will take us as we are, but like the quote says, He will help us become us something better. You can't possibly expect to go into a mission and come out the same person. I don't see how that is possible. This mission has changed my life more than I ever could have imagined! I may not have much longer to be a full-time missionary, but I can still stay in the choir when I come home and help the missionaries there.
     This weekend was seriously great and now I am full of spiritual knowledge and revelation that needs ot be digested and applied! I love our prophet Thomas S. Monson. I know every word I heard this past week from all of our church leaders was from Heavenly Father and that this is the guidance we need in life to overcome any challenges we may be facing. If you have a moment, so read/watch these talks at They will seriously brighten your day if not your life. I know they have for me. :)

     I love all of you! Have a great Easter week! :)
Scripture of the Week: D&C 6:36 No doubts. No fear. Look unto Christ.
Quote of the Week: Don't look around [at others]. Look up [at Christ]. (Yoon Hwan Choi)
Sister Maggie Shiffert

Sorry I haven't been adding lots of pictures of Sister Percival. We are bad at taking pics together lol

Look who came to English class! Jessie! :)
We also ate dinner with Sister Wong this past week

​And then visited with Sister Siu :)
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