Monday, November 9, 2015

Wohng Chihn Chong!

Leih Hou!

     I hope you have all had an amazing week! We passed the Week 3 mark last Wednesday which means I'm 1/3 of the way to heading into the field in Hong Kong! They weren't kidding when they say the days are long but the weeks are short. My highlight of the week: IT SNOWED last Thursday and a little on Friday! Ahhh! I am so used to weathermen messing up the forecast or being too far south to get any snow hardly, so I had serious doubts when they called for snow. But I'm in Utah and it always snows in Utah! That snow made my day 100x better!

     Ok funny story. We always start out class by singing a hymn in Cantonese and Sister Leonard chose the song "Carry On." Well... "Carry On" in Cantonese means "Wohng Chihn Chong." Hahaha! I can't imagine a more stereotypical song title! Needless to say nobody, not even our teacher, could get through the song with a straight face. We were laughing so hard we couldn't even finish the last line of the song.

     I am coming to LOVE my personal study time! I used to think an hour of reading the scriptures was too much and I didn't understand how people could say that they wish they had more time. But now I am one of those people! I love the scriptures! They give me so much personal revelation and I feel like I am coloring my scriptures like a coloring book, which isn't necessarily a bad thing! I don't find time to go into the details of how I discovered this, but if you read, Matthew 6:32, 3 Nephi 13:32, and Doctrine and Covenants 84:83 you might notice a similarity. I don't know why this blew my mind so much, but this was just a huge testimony to me that the Bible, Book of Mormon, and Doctrine and Covenants are 110% true and they all support each other. 

     Matthew 11:28 talks about the Lord making our burdens lighter. During choir yesterday, our choir director Brother Eggett brought up this scripture. Aside from being a great conductor, he is comical, yet super insightful and spiritual, when sharing scriptures and the stories found in them. This is what he said about this scripture: "When people read this scripture, they usually picture two oxen of the same size carrying the yoke together. In reality, the Lord is Babe the Big Blue Ox! As missionaries you think you're doing all the work, but He is doing all the work." I loved his take on this scripture because it is so true! It makes me think of other scriptures where they talk about being "instruments in the hands of the Lord." I may be the violin, but He is the violinist who does the work to make the music.
I'm sorry this email is so short this week, but hopefully you have found it amusing and uplifting :) I use a lot of missionary and church terminology, so if you ever need me to clarify what something is, just email me! I will gladly answer your questions! Ngoh ngoi leihdeih! I love all of you! Have a great week!

Sister Maggie Shiffert

Scripture of the week: 3 Nephi 13:21 - "For where your treasure is your heart will be also" In this case, "treasure" means family :)
Quote of the week: When you have shown your willingness to obey, the Spirit will send you more impressions of what God would have you do (Henry B. Eyring)
Mormon message of the week: Bearing Our Burdens with Ease

​The reaction from two missionaries from Georgia and Florida when they see snow! Haha!

​Stripe Day Tuesday in our zone!

We are always supposed to SYL or "Speak Your Language" and our teacher says "use Chinglish" (Chinese and English) in our conversations, so we decided to make that our district motto :)

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