Monday, March 14, 2016

Not Again!

Leihdeih Hou!

     So some exciting stuff this week. Last week we went to go see 10,000 Buddha's. It was a really cool place, but unfortunately pictures weren't allowed in most places because Buddha is sacred here. You climb up this mountain (really steep climb so I got a nice workout from it lol) and about halfway up the mountain there is a temple with literally 10,000 Buddha's inside. They are mostly really small (2-3 inches tall) but the fact that they completely cover the walls and that there are literally 10,000 of them is pretty neat to see!

     Here's the funny story of the week. We got locked out of our apartment. Again. And this time it was actually our fault...Haha! One of the sisters accidentally pressed the button on the doorknob that locked it and we still don't have a key for the actual doorknob. So the housing elders had to come for a third time to let us in our apartment. But they came in record time! Less than an hour! So that's was good. Now they are getting keys made for all of us lol! I guess they are tired of unlocking the doors for us!

     Also another less active miracle! So we have been working with a less active named Wan Ji Muih for the past couple months. She knows she needs to come to church if she wants her family to have a stronger relationship but she finds it a struggle to get up and go. She'll tell us she'll go to all of these ward activities and church and everything but then she never does. But this past Saturday we had a stake Relief Society activity and Wan JM called us and asked what time it was, and she actually came! It was a huge miracle and a huge step for her! I was so happy to see her! She talked with the bishop and couple of members and seemed to enjoy it. Here's the biggest miracle of them all. WE were sitting in sacrament meeting and halfway through she walks in the door. I about died from shock and happiness right then and there! You have no idea how surprised I was! These less actives just keep surprising me from out of nowhere! Then I wanted to cry because I realized that Wan JM doesn't live in our ward boundaries and we won't be able to help her further progress. Bishop told us yesterday morning that we need to let the elders in her ward teach her. It's so chaam! We have been working so hard with her the past couple months and now that she's progressing, we have to turn her over to the elders. I guess we did everything the Lord wanted us to do with her and now it's time to move on to bigger and better things. 

     Busy week this past week, but it was still good! I'll talk with you next week! Have a great week!
Scripture of the Week: Proverbs 3:5-6 Trust in the Lord. Go to Him in prayer and trust whatever His answer may be. 
Quote of the Week: Heavenly Father is constantly raining blessings upon us, but it is our fear, doubt, and sin that like an umbrella block these blessings from reaching us (President Dieter F. Uchtdorf)

Sister Maggie Shiffert

​Yay for being locked out of your apartment part 3! 

​Look at all those Buddha statues....

Pictures weren't allowed inside, but there are 10,000 Buddhas in there.
The group of sisters we went with!

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