Monday, January 16, 2017

It's Beginning to Feel A Lot like Winter

Leihdeih Hou!

     This week has been good but definitely colder! Winter has arrived! Luckily it's not as bad as our record breaking winter last year, but it's still pretty chilly! I've heard you have had some wintery weather over there too, so be safe and bundle up!

     Cheung Sha Wan is doing good! I am starting to get adjusted to everything. It's still a process but, I'm getting there! I am developing more and more charity for the people that I serve. The ward is really good! We have had a couple of cheng-outs and even though my stomach can't handle so much food, I really enjoy them because I get to know the members more and they get to know me more. I was honestly a little nervous about coming into a new ward where my companion has been there for so long, but I feel like the more I get to know them, the more I come to love them. CSW really is a good ward to be in!

     It is crazy because in a lot of our lessons we have been teaching, I have been able to feel the Spirit SO strongly. I know it should be this way in every lesson, but the ones we have been having are particuarly spiritual. And a lot of times it happens when we bear testimony because in those moments, the Spirit is also reconfirming to me that what I am saying is true. I am not very good at expressing myself by talking, but I try to put everything I have into bearing my testimonies because I just want people to feel the turhtfulness behind my words because I know this gospel is true and can help them!

     We are also working with the elders on a RMLA (return missionary less active). We met with Edward and his dad this past week and talked to him for a long time about the road he's travelling on right now. He said that the Bishop has reached out to him but that no one else in the ward has. He said no one is trying to find him. It broke my heart when I heard that because I know that the ward is trying to reach out to him, but the fact that he can't see that and thinks no one cares about him is so sad! :( It's LA's like these that give me even more motivation to go out and do this work! So if you know someone who is less active, reach out to them even if it is just to say, "Hello I'm thinking about you and want you to know I am there for you."  I really hope I can help these people in Cheung Sha Wan!

     I hope all of you have a great week! I love you and miss you!
Scripture of the Week: Matthew 6:8 God knows what you need before you even ask, but do you know what God needs you to do?
Quote of the Week: I have had prayers answered. Those answers were most clear when what I wanted was silenced by an overpowering need to know what God wanted (Henry B. Eyring)
Sister Maggie Shiffert

Below are some pictures of Cheung Sha Wan

Welcome to Hong Kong!

We went soap cycling with some other sisters this week. Soap cycling is where you take bars of soap that people have used, but basically wasted, and you scrape off the outer layer of soap so it is like new. This non-profit organization will give out the new bars of soap to people who need them in places like the Phillipines.

Soap cycling!

We went on exchanges with the Tai Wai Sisters, Sister Thomson and Sister Groberg!

Ate dinner with the Gwok Family! They are so sweet and too funny!

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