I hope you can see this video of our Nativity!
Sister Maggie Shiffert

Leihdeih Hou!
I hope all of you had a great Thanksgiving and enjoyed the holidays! this past week was crazy but it was a good kid of crazy! There were so many blessings this past week. I don't even know where to begin! We had Thanksgiving dinner as a zone and Sister Leonard and I now know how to cook a full turkey! Haha! It was actually a really good turkey and no one got food poisoning so I would call Thanksgiving a success! Everyone made sides and even the dishes the elders made were super yummy! My contribution was brownies, but I made them Thanksgiving-y by making a turkey out of M&M's (thanks Mom!).
On Sunday, we had the miracle of Laahn Je coming to church! We have been asking her to come for a while now and she finally said okay! She seemed to like it but 3 hours is a long time for her so she got a little sleepy haha! She doesn't understand any gospel terms so I am not sure how much she actually got out of church, but I know she could feel the Spirit :)
I think the highlight of the week was Carson and Winnie got baptized yesterday! Almost all of our ward stayed for their baptism and I was so happy so many people were there and able to support them. Even the stake president and President and Sister Lam came to support them! So the funny background behind this family is that our stake president President Chan was one of the missionaries that originally taught Cat and her family over 20 years ago. Cat went less active but then President Chan heard both of her kids were being baptized so this was a miracle story in his eyes.
It was honestly the most spiritual baptism services I have ever been to! When Carson and Winnie went to go and bear their testimonies, both of them started crying. There was not one dry eye in that room! I was expecting Cat to cry, but I wasn't expecting Carson and Winnie to cry. They really are amazing kids and already have super strong testimonies. I love Carson and Winnie so much and I honestly feel so blessed to have to opportunity to introduce the gospel into their lives! I know this gospel is going to bless them and their family so much! Cat is always telling us that she needs to change herself and be a good example for her kids, but I feel like she has already set a good example for them by introducing them to the church and being so involved. Seeing Cat the way she is now, I never would have thought she was less active, but sometimes the people that go less active and come back to the church have the strongest testimonies.
There's not much to say, but there are a lot of pictures this week! I hope all of you have a great week! I love and miss you all!
Scripture of the Week: Mark 12:30-31 We should love all people and show that love towards them constatly.
Quote of the Week: Never let a problem to be solved be more important than a person to be loved.
Sister Maggie Shiffert
......and after! SUCCESS!
Thanksgiving brownies!
Zone Thanksgiving selfie!
Laahn Je came to church!
Carson and Winnie's baptism!